
child safety

The Silent Killer

Did you know that carbon monoxide (CO) is frequently referred to as the “silent killer”? It earned this dubious distinction because it is odorless and, in high enough quantities, it’s fatal. In the period from 1999-2010, unintentional CO poisoning was the cause of 5,149 deaths just in the United States alone, according to the Centers for […]

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Does your childcare provider offer a false sense of security?

Keeping our kids safe is our number one priority. Every day we hear sad stories about childcare providers. Most parents assume that when they leave their children in the care of a professional that their kids are well provided for—that means safe and secure! It seems that people spend more time checking the credentials of […]

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Safety Tips for Parents of Latchkey Children

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Quick Stats on Women Workers, 2010, roughly 59% of women in the United States are currently in the workforce, many of whom have children living at home. And the number of single‐parent homes is also increasing dramatically. If you are one of the many members of the workforce […]

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